Kanstantsin (Kostya) Ilioukevitch

A little about me; I obtained an HBSc. in Computer Science with a Specialization in Software Engineering from the University of Toronto. My main interests within the professional field of Computer Science and Software Development are in cybersecurity, backend development, and deployment strategies.


The following list shows all the tools that I have used throughout the years. Each tool has been annotated with a skill level according to the following legend:

  • Beginner:
  • Comfortable:
  • Intermediate:
  • Expert:

Clicking on an item will expand any additional frameworks that I am familiar with in relations to the corresponding tool.

  • Django
  • Matplotlib
  • Numpy
  • Metasploit
  • Spring Boot
  • Node.js
  • React Bootstrap
  • Jekyll
Visual Basic
  • mySQL
  • PostgreSQL
  • MongoDB
  • Neo4J
  • Redis

Work Experience

Royal Bank of Canada

Technology and Operations, Reporting Shared Services
Cognos Disclosure Management

Manager: Claude Zhang
Email: upon request
Data Analyst (Co-op)
9/10/18 - 4/26/19
  • Maintained and edited high profile reports - such as the Earnings Release, Report to Shareholders, etc. - ensuring proper governance is being followed.
  • Used Cognos Disclosure Management (CDM) as the primary tool for report maintenance. CDM can be considered as an extension of Microsoft Office that adds variable declaration and use functionality.
  • Created automation scripts using Visual Basic for excel and word.
  • Created a project management and reporting system - using CDM - that generated progress reports which were then distributed to upper management on a weekly basis. This solution saved our internal client 260 hours annually - in turn attracting other internal clients to a total time savings of over 600 hours annually if adopted.

Ministry of Education

Data Collection & Decision Support Solutions
Architecture & Quality Assurance

Manager: Rahim Pira
Email: upon request
Quality Assurance (Co-op)
9/5/17 - 12/15/17
  • Maintained a Micro Focus Application Lifecycle Management (HP ALM) - testing and defect management software - database by adding users, creating new schemas, reverting edits, etc.
  • Helped edit and proofread the annual Architecture & Quality Assurance Manual that is distributed to internal clients that demonstrates our team's governance protocols and best practices.
  • Coordinated the Accessbility of Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) Cluster Task Force meetings; created the presentation deck to be shown and in charge of taking and distributing meeting minutes.
  • Helped to develop a SharePoint website for internal client use.
  • Completed AODA testing for documents that would be given to any internal clients.
  • Created analysis scripts using Visual Basic for license use evaluation. The scripts were meant to identify certain moments within the year that were low on available licenses. These discoveries were later used to create business cases for purchasing more licenses.

The Keg Steakhouse and Bar

Richmond Hill
Front of House

Manager: William Wilmot
Email: upon request
Dinning Server & Head Host
7/31/14 - 12/01/20
  • Ensure all guests have the true Keg experience, from the service to quality checking any food and drinks that reach the guest.
  • Managed seating of the 61 table dinning room. Between walk-ins and reservations, able to fit 400 to 500 guests through the dinning room in a busy working day.
  • Took and organized reservations to ensure all asked requests were handled properly.
  • Answered the phone and dealt with inquiries about the restaurant to any potential guests.

Academic Experience

Operating Systems

University of Toronto
  • Separation between application layer, operating system and hardware.
  • Process creation and memory layout.
  • System call management.
  • Locks, Semaphores, Monitors, Messages for process communication.
  • Process scheduling and memory management.
  • Secondary storage management.
  • Deadlock and softlock management.

Social and Information Networks

University of Toronto
  • World Wide Web structure.
  • Gnp and other models.
  • Node connectivity; strength of ties and graph partitioning.
  • Signed network evaluation.
  • Degrees of separtation.
  • Power law distribution within human networks.
  • Game Theory.
  • Decision Cascades.
  • Virality.
  • Voting.

Algorithm Design and Analysis

University of Toronto
  • Greedy algorithms and their complexity.
  • Dynamic programming, memoization, and their complexity.
  • Max flow algorithm and its uses.
  • Linear programming and its complexity.

Programming on the Web

University of Toronto
  • Vanilla Javascript, HTML, and CSS.
  • Asynchronous Javascript development.
  • Node.JS backend server development.
  • Deployment strategies.
  • Scaling strategies.

Computability and Computational Complexity

University of Toronto
  • Turing Machines.
  • Recognizability and co-recognizability.
  • P vs NP.
  • Mapping reductions.
  • Complete and Intermediate problems.

Computer and Network Security

University of Toronto
  • Risk management and risk triaging.
  • Classical cryptography; caesar, substitution, polyalphabetic, otp, etc.
  • Symmetric and asymmetric encryption.
  • Hash algorithms.
  • Network protocol security.
  • Human authentication and authorization.
  • Operating system security.
  • Program hijacking and malicious code.
  • Web security; CORS, sessions, etc.

Artifical Intelligence

University of Toronto
  • Search algorithms; best first search, A*, page rank, etc.
  • Constraint satisfaction.
  • Local search and deterministic annealing.
  • Two-player adversarial games.
  • MiniMax and alternations.
  • Bayesian Network, Neural Networks.
  • Many of the above topics were implemented on a pacman or image recognition program using C.

Engineering Large Software Systems

University of Toronto
  • Architecture modeling and differences.
  • Software processes and development processes.
  • Agile development differences.
  • UML modeling.
  • Design patterns.
  • Contribute to open source projects.

Computer Networks

University of Toronto
  • OSI/Internet Model.
  • Link Layer Protocols.
  • Network Layer Protocols.
  • Interior Routing (Link-state vs Distance-Vecture).
  • Internet Topology & Exterior Routing Protocols.
  • Transport Layer Protocols.
  • Congestion Control & Prevention & Queueing Mechanisms.
  • Middleware (Caching, Firewalls, etc.).
  • Application Layer Protocols.
  • Software Defined Networks.
  • Network Security.

Database System Technology

University of Toronto
  • Buffer Management.
  • Record and File Structuring.
  • Indexes.
  • External Sorting.
  • Evaluation of Relational Operators.
  • Relation Query Optimizers.
  • Concurrency Control
  • Crash Recovery

Notable Projects


A desktop web app for getting the most recent news stories for each country. Users can explore an interactive map and click on any country to get the most recent news for that country. News headlines and articles will be gathered from trusted local and global news websites as well as their respected subreddit.

CV Blog

Personal website with two purposes. Firstly, a detailed CV for anyone interested in reading more about me. Secondly, a personal blog filled with rambling, tutorials, and other random things that I find cool.

Wedding Information Website

A website hosting information for my family member's wedding. After showing them multiple options, they opted for a fully static website that would be used to link between information for different events, as well as, their registry.