Hack This Site - Programming - Reverse Encryption

Mon, Jul 05, 21

Welcome back to my walkthrough of hackthissite.org’s CTF missions. I will be going through my thought process of how I solved these missions, and therefore also giving away the solutions. If you came across this to give you hints, watch out for spoilers! Good luck, have fun.

This mission gives us 120 seconds to return the last serial number that has been encrypted using the shown PHP script.

The code snip below is the source code that I wrote to complete this challenge, written in python. Writing this code was a lot of fun and I would greatly suggest any reader to try and complete this mission for themselves. I decided to take a greedy approach using recursion in order to find the solution - as it was the approach that made the most sense to me. There is a more ‘naive’ way that one could complete this mission, and that is to try and compute all permutations of an MD5 hash and attempt to decrypt the ciphertext with each permutation. This is ‘naive’ as it is not the most optimal solution and would take a considerable more time in order to complete. The code is well commented and is hopefully self-explanitory in what it does.

import hashlib

serialChars = ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J",
                "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T",
                "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z", "0", "1", "2", "3",
                "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"]
hexChars = ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"]

def getEncrypted():
    Extracts ciphertext from a file to a list of ints.
    with open("cipher.txt", 'r') as f:
        cipher = f.readlines()
    cipherList = cipher[0].split(" ")
    encryptedChars = list(map(int, cipherList))
    return encryptedChars

def MD5Hash(string):
    Computes the MD5 hash of a given string
    hashedVal = hashlib.md5(string.encode())
    return hashedVal.hexdigest()

def evalCrossTotal(string):
    Computes sum of a MD5 hash.
    intTotal = 0
    for char in string:
        intTotal += int(char, base=16)
    return intTotal

def checkSpecialChar(linepos, char):
    Checks whether the given char, and it's position in a line of plaintext, is a special
    character that we expect to have within the plaintext.
    res = False
    rem = linepos % 20
    if (rem in [3, 7, 11, 15] and char == '-'):
        res = True
    elif (rem == 8 and char == 'O'):
        res = True
    elif (rem == 9 and char == 'E'):
        res = True
    elif (rem == 10 and char == 'M'):
        res = True
    elif (rem in [16, 18] and char == '1'):
        res = True
    elif (rem == 17 and char == '.'):
        res = True
    elif (rem == 19 and char == '\n'):
        res = True
    return res

def checkNormalChars(linepos, char):
    Return True if current linepos is for a normal char and it is a valid char.
    Else Return False
    isInNormalCharPos = (linepos % 20) in [0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 12, 13, 14]
    isNormalChar = char in serialChars
    res = True if (isInNormalCharPos and isNormalChar) else False
    return res

def checkChrVal(chrVal, linepos):
    Checks whether a given int, it could be a 
    res = False
    if (chrVal >= 0 and chrVal <= 1114112):
        res = True
        plaintext = chr(chrVal)
        if (not checkSpecialChar(linepos, plaintext)):
            if (not checkNormalChars(linepos, plaintext)):
                res = False
    return res

def crackPassword(cipher, intMD5Total = None, MD5pass = None, plaintext="", i=0, linepos=0):
    Cracks the MD5 hashed password in a recursive fashion. 
    Assumes a starting value for the plaintext, with a starting value for the MD5 hashed
    password and attempts to see if such a combination is possible.

    Once all 32 chars of the hashed password have been cracked, attempts to decrypt the
    rest of the ciphertext with the found hashed MD5 password value. There is a possibility
    that it may not decrypt correctly, thus it will continue looking for another valid
    MD5 hash.
    # attempting to crack the MD5 hashed password value
    if (i < 32):

        # if @ first entry, we permute amongst possible first plaintext & MD5pass characters
        if (i == 0):
            for char in serialChars:
                for hexChar in hexChars:
                    # calculate starting intMD5Total & second intMD5Total
                    intMD5TotalStart = ord(char) + int(hexChar, base=16) - cipher[i]
                    intMD5Total = evalCrossTotal(MD5Hash(char)[:16] + MD5Hash(str(intMD5TotalStart))[:16])
                    # evaluate this permutation branch
                    res = crackPassword(cipher, intMD5Total, hexChar, char, i + 1, (linepos + 1) % 20)
                    if (res["status"] == 0):
                        # if we have found decrypted, terminate the code
                        return res
            # if we have not found any valid decryption, then something has went wrong
            return {"status": 1}

        # we are in a permutation branch, we keep branching off for any valid decrypted plaintext
            for hexChar in hexChars:
                chrVal = intMD5Total + cipher[i] - int(hexChar, base=16) 
                if (not checkChrVal(chrVal, linepos)):
                plaintextTemp = plaintext + chr(chrVal)
                # at this point we know that for this branch, we have a valid plaintext, keep going further
                intMD5TotalTemp = evalCrossTotal(MD5Hash(plaintextTemp[:i+1])[:16] + MD5Hash(str(intMD5Total))[:16])
                res = crackPassword(cipher, intMD5TotalTemp, MD5pass + hexChar, plaintextTemp, i + 1, (linepos + 1) % 20)
                if (res["status"] == 0):
                    # if we have found decrypted, terminate the code
                    return res
                # if we have not found any valid decryption, then something has went wrong
            return {"status": 1}

    # we have a valid complete MD5 hashed password value, need to test it against rest of ciphertext
        res = decrypt(cipher, MD5pass, plaintext, linepos, intMD5Total)
        return res
def decrypt(cipher, MD5pass, plaintext, linepos, intMD5Total):
    Attempts to decrypt the rest of the ciphertext given the cracked MD5 hashed password value.
    There is a possibility that this cracked value will not result with a valid decryption, so
    we must not assume that once a cracked value has been found, thus we must check our values.
    for i in range(32, len(cipher)):
        chrVal = cipher[i] + intMD5Total - int(MD5pass[i % 32], base=16)
        if (not checkChrVal(chrVal, linepos)):
            return {"status": 1}
        plaintext += chr(chrVal)
        intMD5Total = evalCrossTotal(MD5Hash(plaintext[:i+1])[:16] + MD5Hash(str(intMD5Total))[:16])
        linepos = (linepos + 1) % 20
    return {"status": 0,
            "plaintext": plaintext,
            "MD5pass": MD5pass}

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # retrieve stored ciphertext
    cipher = getEncrypted()
    # try to crack ciphertext
    res = crackPassword(cipher)
    # handle result of cracking
    if (res["status"] == 0):
        print("Something went wrong")